Hindus in Bangladesh Face Surge in Attacks Amid Political Unrest

In the wake of Sheikh Hasina's resignation as Prime Minister of Bangladesh on August 5, 2024, a surge of violence against the Hindu minority has emerged. Over a three-day period of chaos, there have been more than 200 attacks on Hindus, resulting in five deaths and numerous cases of sexual assault. This escalation in violence has highlighted longstanding communal tensions and has intensified fears among the Hindu community in the Muslim-majority nation.

Rising Tensions and Violence

The turmoil began after Hasina's resignation, which triggered a wave of unrest and lawlessness. During this period, law enforcement was notably absent, as police personnel faced violent confrontations from angry mobs. This absence created a window of opportunity for perpetrators targeting Hindus, a minority group historically vulnerable to communal violence in Bangladesh.

"Communal sentiments have always been present in Bangladesh. There are people who look for opportunities to attack minorities, especially Hindus," notes Anupam Debashis Roy, a Bangladeshi author and activist. The recent attacks have affected numerous Hindu sites, including temples and shops, with many instances involving assault, arson, and looting.

Historical Context and Current Crisis

Bangladesh has a history of sporadic violence against Hindus, often exacerbated during periods of political instability. The Hindu population in Bangladesh has decreased sharply from 22% in 1951 to around 8% in 2022. Analysts attribute this decline to continuous persecution and economic subjugation.

Shafquat Rabbee, a Bangladeshi-American political analyst, explains that rural Hindus have historically borne the brunt of such violence. Over the past decades, millions of Hindus have fled the country due to religious persecution, and the current crisis further underscores their plight.

The Role of Politics

The recent violence has intertwined with political dynamics. With the fall of Hasina's government, both political and communal motives are evident in the attacks. Some violence seems politically motivated, targeting members of the Awami League and law enforcement. However, significant portions of the violence are directed at Hindu civilians who have no apparent political affiliations.

"There is a political aspect to the recent attacks on minorities, but there are several apolitical Hindus who have been attacked. These attacks have taken place because of Hindu hatred," asserts Roy.

Misinformation and Social Media

Amid the chaos, misinformation has proliferated on social media, complicating efforts to understand and address the situation. Fact-checkers have debunked several fake videos and images purporting to show attacks on Hindus, which has further muddled the public discourse and hindered justice.

Calls for Justice and Security

In response to the violence, large-scale protests have erupted, with Hindus demanding protection and justice. The interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, has pledged to address the grievances of the Hindu community and ensure their safety.

"The new government has vowed that there would be no attacks on Hindus, but we need to see how far this translates into action," comments Anupam Roy. The community seeks an independent investigation into the attacks and accountability for the perpetrators.


The recent violence against Hindus in Bangladesh is a stark reminder of the deep-seated communal issues within the country. As the situation evolves, the need for a thorough investigation and effective measures to ensure the safety of minorities remains crucial.


This blog is based on information provided by India Today. Bimacure does not hold any rights to this content. For the original article, please visit India Today. All rights to the original content are held by India Today.

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