A: Certainly, if a claim has been partially settled, it can be resubmitted for further processing and payment.

A: Insurance claim rejections can occur due to various factors like delays in reimbursement, policy exclusions, undisclosed pre-existing conditions, and more. Avoiding these scenarios is crucial to prevent claim denials.

A: Usually, there is a 30-day waiting period from the commencement of the insurance policy.

A: Here are several ways insurance policies can be wrongfully sold:
1. Misleading promises of interest-free loans with a mortgage or insurance plan.
2. False assurances of receiving free health insurance.
3. Insurance misrepresented as a fixed deposit within a bank.

A: Delays in processing a claim may occur when there are pre-existing conditions involved, particularly if the insurance provider requires a thorough examination of the policyholder’s medical background or seeks further details from the healthcare provider.

A: We advocate for you in negotiations with insurance providers, liaise with the Insurance Ombudsman (Bima Lokpal), and facilitate representation in consumer court proceedings, tailored to your specific case.

A: Disclosing your smoking or alcohol consumption habits is crucial when buying insurance. Withholding this information could lead to claim rejection, making full disclosure essential for ethical insurance practices.

A: The resolution of any insurance-related issue hinges entirely on the specifics of the case. Thus, exercising patience is recommended throughout the process.

A: In case of hospitalization outside your network, you’re usually required to settle the bills upfront and then file for reimbursement from your insurance provider later on.

A: No registration fee required! This offer extends to all life, health, and general policies for both you and your family members upon case acceptance.