Free Look Claim Not Received

The free look period allows policyholders to review their insurance policy and cancel it if they are not satisfied. If your free look claim has not been honoured, we can help. Our team ensures that the terms of the free look period are clearly understood and respected by the insurance provider, and we work to get your premiums refunded promptly if you choose to cancel your policy within the allowed time frame.


The free look period is a time frame during which policyholders can review their insurance policy and cancel it if they are not satisfied, without any penalties.

If you do not receive your claim within the free look period, you should immediately contact your insurance company to inquire about the status and ensure all necessary documentation has been submitted.

Yes, if you cancel your policy within the free look period, you are entitled to a full refund of the premium paid, minus any applicable charges for the period of coverage.

Common reasons include incomplete documentation, missing deadlines, or administrative errors by the insurance company.

We provide assistance and legal support to ensure that your free look period claims are processed correctly and promptly.