Mis-selling of Insurance Policy

Policy mis-selling occurs when insurance or financial products are sold under misleading or deceptive circumstances, leading customers to make uninformed decisions. We specialise in addressing issues related to mis-sold insurance policies. Our team investigates the circumstances under which the policy was sold, provides evidence of mis-selling, and works towards rectifying the situation, whether that involves cancelling the policy, recovering funds, or ensuring that you receive the coverage you were promised.

Claims Representation

If we determine that you have a viable claim, we will guide you through the entire claims process. Our team will handle all the necessary paperwork, documentation, and correspondence with insurance companies, regulators, and relevant authorities on your behalf. We will craft a strong case strategy, ensuring your rights are protected and you have the best chance of a successful outcome.

Negotiation and Settlement

We are skilled negotiators and will tirelessly advocate for your interests during settlement discussions. Our team will engage with the responsible parties, seeking fair compensation for the losses you have incurred due to the policy misselling. We will strive to achieve a satisfactory resolution that reflects the damages you have suffered.

Litigation Support

In cases where negotiation and settlement are not possible or unsuccessful, we are prepared to provide robust litigation support. Our experienced legal professionals will build a compelling case, represent you in court, and vigorously pursue your claim through the legal system. We will work diligently to secure a favourable judgement and protect your rights throughout the litigation process.


A: Insurance mis-selling occurs when an insurance policy is sold without fully disclosing the terms, conditions, or when it's not suitable for the buyer's needs.

A: You might be a victim of mis-selling if the policy was presented with false information, if it doesn't meet your requirements, or if you were pressured into purchasing it without understanding its benefits and limitations.

A: If you suspect mis-selling, gather all related documents and details, and contact a legal support service specialising in insurance issues to review your case and guide you on the next steps.

A: Yes, in many cases, if mis-selling is proven, you may be entitled to a refund of the premiums paid or other compensation. Legal assistance can help facilitate this process.

A: There is typically a time frame within which you must report mis-selling. This varies by policy and insurer, so it's essential to act promptly and seek advice to ensure you don't miss any deadlines.

A: Documentation such as policy papers, correspondence with the insurer, promotional materials, and any notes or records of sales interactions can serve as evidence to support your claim of mis-selling.

A: Legal support services can review your case, provide expert advice, assist with documentation, and represent you in negotiations or legal proceedings to resolve the issue and secure any entitled compensation.

A: Common types include being sold a policy that doesn't match your needs, not being informed of exclusions or limitations, being misled about the benefits or coverage, and being sold a policy through deceptive practices.

A: Depending on the circumstances and policy terms, it may be possible to switch to a more suitable policy. A legal expert can advise on the feasibility and process of making such a switch.

A: Specialised legal support services, consumer rights organisations, and regulatory bodies can assist you with filing a complaint and seeking resolution for a mis-sold insurance policy.